My very first grandchild was born today April 28, 2011 at 9:36 A.M. She weighs 7lbs. and 14 oz and is 20 inches long. She has a little bit of brown hair and is “just perfect” according to my son. Her name is Caroline Faith VC and can be called Callie. Her mom coincidentally has a very good friend named Callie. We are thrilled and cannot wait to go to Kansas to meet her in person although we will have a Skype date later today. We are blessed on this beautiful spring day. The tulips just opened up for the first time today.
Birthday girl number two is my dear sister in law Jill married to my only brother. I didn’t realize today was her birthday as well until I called to give my parents the good news about baby Caroline. It is good to have other people you love to share a birthday with.
Birthday girl number three is Dayana in Guatemala. We started sponsoring her last fall when we learned our grandchild was to be born in late April. I chose Dayana because her birthday was April 28th but didn’t really think our granddaughter would actually be born that day. Dayana is eight years old today and is a Compassion ministry child. She lives in a very impoverished area but gets extra help with food and clothing through the local ministry team and also receives Bible teaching. I had to send her birthday card out (in Spanish) weeks ago.
What a happy day for us. I love all the birthday girls.