Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Another Snowy Day

Two snow storms one week apart, but no snow days for the school kids here, they are expected to be tough and get to school anyway. Luckily they had a wonderful dry night for Halloween and didn’t have to bundle up over their costumes for once. The snow came the day after. It sounds like we are going to have a wet snowy winter as this is our third good snowfall of the season. 

Looking at my photos they almost look like they were developed as black and white shots, except for a little yellow from the neighbor's aspen tree from the first storm and a little orange peeking through from the Halloween decorations from the second storm. The spider web is a little limp now. Ha.

Not much else happening. Two spook photos, black dog  Penelope still wearing her Halloween scarf and little skeleton Maverick. Maverick loved playing in the standing saucer thingie with all the toys that move and play music.

Incidentally the photos from the front porch are taken one week apart in between most of it melted off. One last photo of my favorite oak tree just before the first snow.
Happy Fall to everyone.

1 comment:

  1. I always used to say that spring was my favorite season. I think I'm moving beyond that. These pictures of autumn (even though some appear more wintry) make me realize how each season shows us so much on its own. The snow is beautiful; the oak tree radiates. Add to that the wonder of life - a loyal pet and a grandchild. What matters the season?
