Driving through the valley near the Rio
Grande is where all the agriculture takes place. I liked this tree
lined private drive in between the fields. The pecan tree orchards are
bare at this time of the year but are starting to be pruned and irrigated in
preparation for the coming growing season. A whole orchard is
flooded section by section using the irrigation canals that surround
each one.
The first two weeks of March are the
start of Spring in Las Cruces and we enjoyed the flowering trees
around town. I had to get a picture of one of the water towers
because they all have murals depicting historical scenes. They are
artfully done.
The only downer of our stay was that I
had to make a couple ER visits to get checked out for dizziness and
for the doctors to put me on and then adjust medication for
hypertension. I had to get a digital blood pressure cuff and start
monitoring. I felt pretty awful and tired on starting the meds and
couldn't do much for a week or so. I am still working on all that now
that we are back in Wyoming.
New hikes that we went on this year
were about a mile up the Baylor Canyon Pass Trail (before it started
to rain) that crosses over the Organ Mountains and a Chihuahuan
Desert Discovery Trail near the smaller Dona Ana Mountains. We
enjoyed them both.
Lastly, here are a few photos of the
little rental house. It really worked out very well for us, but it
might be fun to try something new next time.
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