Thursday, June 21, 2012

Windy Father's Day

Up against the east face of the Snowy Range accessible from the highway are two alpine lakes named Mirror Lake and Lake Marie. They are fed all summer long by the snow that melts off the peaks. 

On Father’s Day S. and I spent the day there by the lakes, it was beautiful and clear but extremely windy. I had my hood up the whole time that we had our picnic and took our walk. There were white caps on the lakes especially on the higher lake that is more exposed. At times the water would spray just like at the ocean! I think the gusts were about 50 mph.

There is a trail from the upper lake to the lower one that passes a quartz hillside and has a pretty view of the lower lake. See pictures below.

After our picnic and hike we stopped in Centennial, Wyoming to get ice cream bars at The Friendly Store. We went to Panda Express for dinner later when we got home that evening. We were delighted to see our little one year old granddaughter on SKYPE as she busily wandered and played all over their house right before she went to bed. It was a good day.

white caps on Mirror Lake
lake trail by the quarts cliff
one view of Lake Marie
people on the lake trail


Sunday, June 10, 2012

Forest Fire near Fort Collins, Colorado

The moisture levels are low this year (well, excepting that we got several inches over our town recently) and the trees are diseased from the pine beetle infestation that has swept through the pine forests in the past several years. It doesn’t take a lot to get a wildfire going. There was a huge smoke plume filling the sky in our area today so we drove south almost to the state line into Colorado and took these photos.
The first one is zoomed in on the origin of the smoke in the foothills. The second is the zoomed out version of the same spot showing the immense smoke plume. Pray for rain and for the 40 mile per hour gusts of wind to quiet down. Prayers for the firefighters who put their lives at risk would be in order too.

Orchid still going strong

OK, I admit that I am obsessed with this plant, but isn't it pretty? I still can't believe it just sat for so long without doing anything and all it needed was more light.

Birthday Hike

Our first hike of the summer season was on S’s birthday in the middle of the week. So for the first time since he retired we had the luxury of going on a hike during the week instead of on a weekend or a holiday. We went to a picnic spot 40 miles away with our Subway lunch spread and had the place all to ourselves. The only person we saw on the trail was a guy on a bicycle. It was great. 

The temperature was mild and the sun was bright but not hot. Later in the season we might pick a trail that winds through the trees more for the shade, but on this day it was perfect. We hiked for several hours in an easterly direction going up and down hills and knolls. At times we were close to the stream and ponds in the marshes. Penelope would go off trail frequently to jump in the water for a swim and a drink.

It is much drier this year, there are some wildflowers out but the meadows are not as lush. Last year we were at over 200% of the yearly moisture, this year it is something like 23%. There were no mosquitoes either.
Lovely day, we came home from the hike took a little nap then went to the Avengers movie.