Saturday, November 19, 2011

Getting Ready, Can’t Wait!

We are getting the house ready for company. I can’t wait to have my two grandchildren together again. We have a new basic highchair in the house and the shelves are stocked with baby cups and bowls and Gerber baby cereal and fruit. I even have some pediatric electrolyte solution on hand just in case. Maverick already had to get acquainted with that stuff when he had his first illness recently. I guess Callie’s  first illness was of the stuffy nose variety.

Drive safely everyone, see you next week. There will be an important auntie who is missing this year but we will certainly be talking to her and sending her pictures.

Grandma Lou

Saturday, November 12, 2011

All Day Quilting

About once a year our quilt group collaborates on making a quilt top in a day. One of the women had Veteran’s Day off so that is the day that was chosen. This year we had two quilt patterns and eight women who divided into two teams. We start with piles of fabric scraps from everyone’s past projects and go from there. We quilted from eight AM to four PM but each group only got a quilt top about half assembled, therefore we will have another day of quilting next week. 

One group is doing a tumbling block pattern made with fabric strips and using a template to cut each shape before sewing it all together. The other group is doing a more standard star pattern made from quilt blocks that will be assembled with additional lattice pieces surrounding them. See pictures below. We always have a grand time, with lots of great fellowship and conversation along the way. We also had a wonderful soup, and salad lunch with homemade sourdough bread and yummy desserts. Quilting is a lot of fun really. When the two quilt tops are done we will have a drawing to see which lucky two from the group will win them. I am in the running since I haven’t yet won one from years past. Everyone will eventually have a keepsake quilt made by members of the group.

You can see from the photos some of the chaos with piles of  fabric scraps on the cutting and ironing boards.  Some of the women cut the pieces with the rotary cutters while others start the sewing. If things are not working out (for instance the first assembled block our group made did not form the expected star) we start "un-sewing" or ripping out the seams and if all else fails we read the directions. Ha. 

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Another Snowy Day

Two snow storms one week apart, but no snow days for the school kids here, they are expected to be tough and get to school anyway. Luckily they had a wonderful dry night for Halloween and didn’t have to bundle up over their costumes for once. The snow came the day after. It sounds like we are going to have a wet snowy winter as this is our third good snowfall of the season. 

Looking at my photos they almost look like they were developed as black and white shots, except for a little yellow from the neighbor's aspen tree from the first storm and a little orange peeking through from the Halloween decorations from the second storm. The spider web is a little limp now. Ha.

Not much else happening. Two spook photos, black dog  Penelope still wearing her Halloween scarf and little skeleton Maverick. Maverick loved playing in the standing saucer thingie with all the toys that move and play music.

Incidentally the photos from the front porch are taken one week apart in between most of it melted off. One last photo of my favorite oak tree just before the first snow.
Happy Fall to everyone.