Saturday, November 10, 2012

Argo the movie

We could have chosen to go to the new James Bond movie that opened this weekend but instead of fighting the crowds went to see Argo since it has been getting such good reviews.
We enjoyed it a lot and it brought back memories of the Iran hostage crisis. It is based on the real life events. I was pregnant with Phillip when the hostages were finally released in January of 1980 after being held for 444 days. It was a very tense time for our nation.

I only vaguely remember hearing that some other Americans escaped with the help of the Canadian embassy where they had secretly fled. They apparently escaped also with significant help of the CIA and one man in particular who risked his life to go in and bring them home all under the guise of looking for a middle east location to film a science fiction fantasy film.

It was all an elaborate hoax but it worked! There is language in the movie and a few glimpses of violence for which it got an R rating but it is still very worthwhile to see.

They also really nailed the clothing and glasses and hairstyles of that era. If our children want a glimpse of their parents era go to see the movie or rent it for that alone.

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