Monday, March 18, 2013

Party On

The Plan: Chris and friends participate in an arena cross event in Denver early in the morning on St. Patrick’s Day followed by a party to celebrate Chris turning thirty later this month. 

What Happened Instead: Chris got hurt in a practice run just as Erin, John Ovrebo and Maverick were arriving for the event. Chris spent the next six hours or so in the ER. Two of his friends placed second and third in their events. John Ovrebo made an extra trip home to Loveland to bring Maverick back so Grandma VC could watch him and then went back to Denver to pick up the injured Chris and Erin at the hospital. The party guests started arriving before the host was assisted in on crutches. John O. cooked the tri-tip on the grill, grandma Lou kept the kitchen running and everyone visited and had a great time while poor Chris hung out on the couch.

Grandpa Steve arrived late having moderated a successful annual congregational meeting with approval of monies for a large building project. There was no contention and a quorum was achieved! He brought cupcakes and pie.

The good news is that Chris could have been injured far worse and required surgery and days in the hospital. The bad news is that he is in a lot of pain from having sprained or strained his hip and he fractured the fifth metatarsal in his left foot so will need to be on crutches for 6 to 8 weeks.
Thanks go to all their friends and small group members who assisted in getting his motorcycle and truck home. To those who helped Chris into the house. To those who said prayers. To those who have offered babysitting help this week. Etc. etc. 

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