Monday, August 12, 2013

Tie City Trailhead

We hiked from a new to us trailhead recently. Driving up to the Lincoln head monument at the summit of I-80 between Cheyenne and Laramie and exiting there and taking the Happy Jack Road, it is the first trailhead parking area that one comes to. We were there on a weekday so there were only a couple other cars there. We passed (or rather they passed us) a few mountain bikers on the trails and one trail runner. 

It was great to get up hiking again close to home. The different kinds of yellow daisies were in bloom as were the purple asters. The grasses were tall and lush from plentiful moisture.  We kept to the higher trails and avoided the low lands not wanting mud or insects to be a factor. There were long stretches through open sage and also through the fragrant pine and aspen forests.
There were bright orange arrows spray painted on several trail junctions and orange streamers tied on trail markers for some kind of event that was apparently coming up to mark the route. I got a kick out of a trail called “Phil’s Pholly” and took a picture of it.

It was quite warm in the high 80’s so we all drank a lot of water including Penelope. If we don’t give her water she will seek out whatever nasty pool of standing water that she can find!
It was a lovely day. We hiked for a few hours with plenty of up and down to get some good exercise. One trail is called "Roller Coaster."Penelope tried out her new footstool that S. made for her to climb back into the car when she is worn out. She needs to get used to it still, isn’t sure she can step on it officially yet.

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