Thursday, October 21, 2010

Sick of Politics

Not much to say really. I do think voting is a privilege and a duty for citizens that we should never take lightly. Our voting should be informed as much as possible by reading about the candidates and watching debates and forums. I always hope that good citizens who are not motivated by power and greed will run for office. I do not really care what political party they are affiliated with. A democrat in Wyoming may fall to the political right of a republican in Massachusetts. Some of the independents have good ideas but no clout.

What gets so old at this stage less than two weeks before the elections are the negative political ads. We get most of our local news through the Denver TV channels and the political ads run non-stop. They are mostly negative and so distorted and misleading. I have no stake in that state anyway. In Wyoming most of our races are determined by the primaries so the political advertising falls off after August.

I am also so sick of hearing about the tea party candidates nationally, as if there aren’t others that deserve some attention. I got a fund raising letter from Michele Bauchmann in the mail, presuming I would send money to help someone in Minnesota get re-elected to Congress. Ha! Christine O’Donnell running for the Senate in Delaware has been all over the web with her ultra conservative views. Let’s hear from some middle of the roaders for a change. Let’s leave settled law settled and work on improving life for everyone. I cannot believe the voting public falls for the extravagant promises that X candidate is going to go to Washington and make everything right again. Blah Blah. I want them to tell me the specifics of what they want to do legislatively, not what they are against but what they would do, otherwise nothing gets accomplished.

As to the notion of this being a Christian nation, yes by population numbers but the government is secular and it would be best to stay that way. As a Christian the only theocracy I want to live under is the one where Jesus Christ himself presides and all can see and hear him in his glorified body. Until that day I am fine with a secular government that protects my religious freedom.

Try not to get disillusioned with it all. Don’t forget to vote!


1 comment:

  1. Here here Mom! I think I may be a slightly left leaning version of you. It is so hard to listen to the dumb adds while the politicians play their games. I see a ripe business opportunity for a candidate to say THESE are the things I want to focus on and HERE is how I will change them. Of course, that would be too refreshing and specific for the general public.
    I wish I was connected enough in any state to vote based off of needs and experience with the candidates. I would rather be registered in Wyoming to give you two extra votes than to vote without being knowledgeable in Nebraska.

    Thanks for your post Mom. That is a rant I've been wanting to hear for a long time!
