Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Hiking in the Mall

The snow season is upon us and the temperatures are below freezing most mornings, so my walking partners and I are back to hiking the mall before the stores open at ten a.m. I probably won’t have much to say about exhilarating hikes in the mountains for quite awhile, unless we go on a snow picnic or take up snow shoeing. That actually is something I have always wanted to try and do have friends who own snowshoes and go up to the same Vedauwoo area that we hike in the summer months. Those same hiking trails are also very popular with cross country skiers and the loud fume-belching snow mobiles that environmentalists love to hate.

So my walking partners and I go round and round at the mall, every lap takes about fifteen minutes but we talk about the everyday things going on in our families and time passes quickly. I suppose a treadmill would serve the same purpose but it is the talking that serves as a bit of therapy actually. It is good to be able to share your life with a friend.

If S. and I ever do get to go snowshoeing this winter I will write about it. Drive safely everyone, as we all know the ice can be deceiving on the roads. S. has co-workers who report sliding through intersections recently. We all need to adjust and be more cautious now, and check tires for good traction.



  1. I love the snowy pictures! Our snow melted already, but I'm sure we will get more.

  2. I came home for lunch today and scraped some of the snow off the driveway. I figured if I just gave it a little help, the sun would take care of the rest. So much for good ideas! Even with direct sun, the half inch of snow/ice remained. Obviously it must have been quite cold when L. went out and took the photo of the dog.
