Friday, December 2, 2011

It Got Used

Just a quickie to say that my new highchair got a work out  by little Callie over Thanksgiving. Her dad is pretty good at feeding her (he likes the challenge he says) which means chasing her mouth around as she plays with whatever is on the tray and trying to beat her hands to her mouth. She is getting proficient at picking up the rice puff cereal pieces and poking them into her mouth but that food doesn’t count toward nutrition like the food that comes on the spoon. One has to “shovel fast” according to dad.
The highchair is a little big yet we had to poke a blanket behind her back to make her more snug.


  1. The nice thing about have cousins close to the same age is that it will get plenty of double duty. It's hard to believe they spend so much effort avoiding being fed now, yet there will be a time in another dozen years or so when they'll eat like bottomless pits.

  2. Thanks so much Gramma for having this for our little Calpal to use! We can't tell you how much for appreciate that! Love the photo too!!!
