Friday, October 19, 2012

Last look at the window boxes and pots

I took a few pictures to preserve the memory of our window boxes and pots this summer. They didn’t get pounded down to a pulp by hail for once, so they grew tall and lush thanks to the Miracle Grow. The only ones that are still around are the two that sit in front of the garage and can be pulled in to the garage at night.
I picked all the green tomatoes before the first big freeze a couple weeks ago and put them all in brown paper bags to ripen slowly in the garage. It’s working! Wednesday we had a homegrown tomato to eat on our tacos.

The wind has been ferocious the past few days a true sign of fall and winter. The wind even blew over a rather heavy park bench that has been sitting out in the backyard. Ugh!


  1. Your flowers are beautiful as usual, Mom. Can you believe we still have GREEN leaves on the trees out here? My neighborhood is finally inching into fall.

  2. Your flowers are GORGEOUS!!! I would never even attempt flowers at this point in my life... I just have a terribly black thumb. You do create quite the botanical garden to come visit in the summertime! I just love it!
